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Read ebook - Early Interactions : Working with under Threes Responding to Children's Needs (1998, Paperback) EPUB, FB2


Working with pre-school children places a special responsibility on those who care for them. Early interactions take place in a variety of ways, and this text explores opportunities which allow adults to respond to children's needs, particularly with reference to the development of the child's self-concept. It offers different perspectives on developing language and literacy skills, together with a focus on communication through creative and aesthetic experiences., Working with the Under-threes: Responding to Children's Needs focuses upon ways in which researchers, parents and practitioners seek to meet the diverse needs of young children in specific ways. Important questions are raised with regard to children's rights and entitlement, and ways in which early interactions with people, environment, culture, curriculum and context help to shape the educational lives of children under 3. Working with the under threes places a special responsibility on adults to both recognise and respond appropriately to their rapidly changing needs. A range of contributors share their experience and expertise in chapters which focus on adults working with children in a range of contexts. Early interactions take place in a variety of ways and contributors to the book explore opportunities which allow adults to respond to children's needs, particularly with reference to the development of the child's self concept. Different perspectives on developing children's language and literacy skills are offered, together with a focus on communication through creative and aesthetic experiences. Contributions by parents, practitioners and trainers offer perspectives which will challenge and provoke readers to reflect on their own experiences and practice. The book is intended for all those training or working with the under threes, including parents and other carers. The companion Early Interactions volume, also edited by Lesley Abbott and Helen Moylett, is entitled Working with the Under-3s: Training and Professional Development.

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