Download - Green Chemistry : An Inclusive Approach (2017, E-book) in FB2, PDF, DJV


Green Chemistry, Green Chemistry provides a broad overview of green chemistry for researchers from either an environmental science or a chemistry background. The way Green Chemistry successfully achieves this is by starting at a more elementary level, incorporating more advanced concepts and chemistry as the book progresses. Every chapter includes recent, state-of-the-art references, particularly review articles, in order to introduce researchers into this field of interest and provide them with information that can easily be built upon. By bringing together experts in multiple sub-disciplines of Green Chemistry, the editors have curated a single central resource for an introduction to the discipline as a whole. Topics include a broad array of research fields including: the chemistry of Earth's atmosphere, water and soil; synthesis of fine chemicals; pharmaceuticals; plastics; energy related issues (energy storage, fuel cells, solar and wind energy conversion etc.); greenhouse gases and their handling; chemical toxicology issues of everyday products (from perfumes to detergents or clothing); and environmental policy issues. Part 1 introduces the topic of green chemistry with an overview of key concepts, while Part 2 expands upon these concepts with the latest research and applications , providing both the breadth and depth researchers need. Each chapter includes a broad range of application based problems to make the content accessible for undergraduate and graduate students as well as professional researchers. Authored by experts in a broad range of fields, the book provides "insider information" on the aspects or challenges of a given field that are most important and urgent .

- Green Chemistry : An Inclusive Approach (2017, E-book) read ebook DJV, FB2, EPUB

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