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- Jewish Studies in the Twenty-First Century: Contemporary Israel : New Insights and Scholarship (2016, Paperback) read online book DJV


For a country smaller than Vermont, with roughly the same population as Honduras, modern Israel receives a remarkable amount of attention. For supporters, it is a unique bastion of democracy in the Middle East, while detractors view it as a racist outpost of Western colonialism. The romanticization of Israel became particularly prominent in 1967, when its military prowess shocked a Jewish world still reeling from the sense of powerlessness dramatized by the Holocaust. That imagery has grown ever more visible, with Israel s supporters idealizing its technological achievements and its opponents attributing almost every problem in the region, if not beyond, to its imperialistic aspirations.The contradictions and competing views of modern Israel are the subject of this book. There is much to consider about modern Israel besides the Middle East conflict. Over the past generation, a substantial body of scholarship has explored numerous aspects of the country, including its approaches to citizenship and immigration, the arts, the women s movement, religious fundamentalism, and language; but much of that work has to date been confined within the walls of the academy. This book does not seek not to resolve either the country s internal debates or its struggle with the Arab world, but to present a sample of contemporary scholars discoveries and discussions about modern Israel in an accessible way. In each of the areas discussed, competing narratives grapple for prominence, and it is these which are highlighted in this volume. "

- Jewish Studies in the Twenty-First Century: Contemporary Israel : New Insights and Scholarship (2016, Paperback) download EPUB, PDF, FB2

Insider Tips and special Marco Polo insights reveal hidden gems and well-kept secrets."Marco Polo Handbooks offer expert advice and are aimed at travelers looking for in-depth coverage of a destination from detailed cultural information to Insider Tips in an easy to use format.The New American Standard Bible (NASB) was released in its entirety in 1971, and was updated in 1995 to render it more understandable to modern-English readers.In Volume 2, Bellot, who was regarded as a hero in both France and Britain, describes how the crew survived the harsh climate of the Arctic winter, his exploration by dog-sledge of inland polar regions, and his eventual return to Britain., Joseph René Bellot (1826–53) was a French naval officer whose travels took him from Africa to the Arctic before his tragic death at the age of 27.This book offers one of the few, independent and grounded investigation concerning the political economic role of the Regional Development Banks (RDBs) via an investigation of the world leading regional development bank, the Inter-American Development Bank.His focus is social and urban history.Bruce Hevlyis associate professor of history at the University of Washington.